A peek behind the scenes!


My name is Katie Wessels. I am 37 years young, and I am a Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive and Energy Healing Practitioner living my best life in Colorado!

I am married to a wonderful Aquarian man with an equally wonderful Aquarian 8-year-old son. Did I mention that my son is in ALL the sports? So, not only am I a career nanny 4-5 days a week, I also run this beautiful healing business on the weekends and I am a busy sports mom trying to keep up and squeeze her craft in a little bit every day. Sound familiar? Grab your iced coffee, toss your hair up and we can both strive to keep our heads afloat together. Haha

Now, my life may be a BIT hectic and chaotic, but I can assure you that it is ANYTHING but boring!

From trauma of many forms to substance abuse to child loss to alcoholism and the party scene to my weight loss journey, sobriety and Psychotherapy. Allow me to take you on an adventure of getting to know me behind the scenes and where I come from. It’s not all glitter and gold but it is real, raw, unapologetic and probably relatable for many.

I was born August 26th, 1987, in Oregon on the living room floor of our Corvallis home with an African midwife. I was born a Virgo stellium which would majorly impact some areas of my life, but I wouldn’t figure this out for about 30 more years. Sun, Moon, Rising and 6 more placements in Virgo. Yes, I am ok. lol

I grew up much like Matilda for the first few years. My dad was a car and mobile home salesman, and my mother was your local Avon lady who had her chatty friends over for cocktails and cards.

Growing up in the 80’s it was common to have half smoked burning ciggs sticking out of a shitty thick ass brown glass ashtray. Our house was no different.

I honestly don’t remember a whole lot of my childhood, but I do know that we never stayed in one spot for too long. I went to 2 elementary schools 3 middle schools, 2 high schools (one was a school just off the Naval military base in Washington which we will eventually get to) and one “alternative school.” This wasn’t due to my behavior, rather because credits didn’t transfer from Oregon to Washington in a couple of courses, so I had to do 1/2 days to accommodate. I know… I know…

When we lived in Lebanon, Oregon we had a white house with bay windows on the front. From the ceiling to the floor. Huge windows! Well, these birds would constantly fly into them so it wasn’t uncommon for me to walk outside and find robins laying there stunned and rapidly breathing. Oftentimes there would be more than one. I would always go scoop the birds up in my hands and cup them to help them heal. I had no idea how to put into words what I was doing but something in me just needed to try. 99% of the time they would regain their strength and fly away. To this day, when I ask my ancestor guides for signs…. I get feathers. Not sure if there’s a connection there or not. The point of me telling you this is just to say that even as a kid I loved nature and was offering energy as a method of magickal healing that I had no way of expressing other than my innate desire to put it all into action. Unfortunately, I would forget about this Magick for years and years until the year 2019.

My family was not always so religious. But, over the years I would witness fear and trauma being masked by religion to a point where I would be ridiculed, fear mongered and shamed simply for being myself. We didn’t talk about things in my house growing up. Emotions as a child were met with an iron fist. If I cried, I would undoubtedly hear “if you don’t stop crying, I’ll come in there and give you something to cry about!” Spankings were a regular punishment approach. Glad I broke that cycle with my own child.

We never had a lot of money growing up because after the Avon days, my mother chose not to work and to be a home maker but that quickly fell into a downward spiral of depression, anxiety, overeating while hiding in her bed and steadily becoming unavailable for my needs. My parent’s marriage was pretty much always a toxic one and this turned into physical ailments for my mom. So, you see how this ended up tying into the work that I do now. I was witnessing unprocessed emotions manifest into physical ailments including autoimmune responses right in front of my own eyes.

There was a fair amount of need for control in my home which caused my older sister to enlist into the military while walking down her high school halls. Anything to get her out of our house. Being 10 years younger, I couldn’t grasp it. I understood soon after. Communication wasn’t really our “strong suite” back in those days and that led to a lot of yelling, arguing, walking on eggshells, hurtful words and shutting down.

As an adult I can see it for what it was and it’s honestly quite sad but we all have the ability to be better versions of ourselves and that was one of many mental notes I logged away as a child. It would take some shitty experiences to get there but I would fucking do it! What I know now is that I was manifesting even back then. I just wouldn’t let myself have the goodness until my 30s. lol

I shall leave this as my closing for this first blog post. I hope you have enjoyed the first blip of behind the scenes. My next post will pick up when I lived in Washington and the trials, I endured which led me to dropping out of high school all together.

Adore the version of who you were, she got you to where you are now. Never stop striving to be the best version of yourself because not only do you deserve to thrive, but others are also rooting for you and there are many who are silently inspired.


Washington seemed like a great idea, until it wasn’t.


Blog Post Title Three